My love for decor has roots that start from Palermo in Sicily.
At that time, my city was the fulcrum of the national nobility (if not viewed at a global level), the so-called living room of good proof in the heyday of "Libery" a road that still exists today called "Liberty Street", which was littered with villas as evidence of 'opulence and wealth of my city.
We are in 1798 and not far from the path of the so-called furniture, Via Candelai, whereby a small laboratory for the creation of environments in Baroque style was formed and was later called the Sicilian Baroque.
Since then many springs have passed on and after unparalleled success in the distribution of furniture, I moved to Tuscan at the city of parlour giving life to the present HERA SNC which of course, to give vent to my imagination and create a brand of elite for a certain range of consumers, i managed to take the brand to all parts of the world from Korea to the U.S., from France to Austria, Russia, Morocco, etc etc.
Today, in the computer era we are here to testify that we are even more motivated than before and to defend the true
MADE IN ITALY, the Italian pride.